Made for Founders + Creatives

7 Timeless Strategies to Elevate Your Brand and Increase Your Revenue

Are you tired of not attracting enough leads? Not making enough money? And wondering how on earth do I find clients that’s willing to pay $10k per project?
I’ve been obsessed with studying the successes of the top performing brands and compiled these 7 secrets to provide you a unique strategy that will help you attract high-ticket clients. Guaranteed.

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Implement proven methods instead

Stop Wasting Time + Money on Marketing That Doesn’t Even Work

At Empti Studio, we help premium service providers just like you build brands that convert. So you can watch the sales roll in everyday doing what you love.

Without running ads or posting Tik Toks.

Even if you have no idea where to begin.

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“What on earth do you actually do?”

We specialise in brand makeovers like the one you see below

'Your Brand Designer' podcast

Listen in on everything branding and marketing for creative biz owners

Building a brand can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. In this podcast I share all the strategies my clients pay me for so all you need to follow along and you’ll be booking those dream clients in no time.

Listen on Spotify Now